Sep 27, 2021
Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach, acupuncturist and author of “Fat and Fertile”.
She helps fat folks navigate getting pregnant in a weight-obsessed world and advocates for change in how fat people are treated whilst accessing help with their fertility.
Nicola uses her unique fat positive framework to support...
Sep 20, 2021
Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach, acupuncturist and author of “Fat and Fertile”.
She helps fat folks navigate getting pregnant in a weight-obsessed world and advocates for change in how fat people are treated whilst accessing help with their fertility.
Nicola uses her unique fat positive framework to support...
Sep 13, 2021
Danielle Matthew is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) who treats bully victims and their families and educates schools, medical professionals and the community about the bullying epidemic. With over 20 years of experience, Danielle authored Amazon Parenting Best-Seller, The Empowered Child: How to Help...
Sep 6, 2021
Patricia D. Johnson, Psy.D., holds a Doctorate of Psychology degree in Clinical Psychology from Ryokan College; her Clinical Case Study dissertation, Biracial Identity Development. She also holds a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from...